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Dolphin Swim

Dolphin Swim

During the dolphin adventure you will get a brief orientation to prep you for an amazing adventure, as you enter the world of these gentle dolphins. After being given some interesting facts about dolphins, you will be able to interact with them. 


Encounter Swim: The dolphins will give you a kiss and allow you to caress them while standing in knee-deep water. This adventure is best for those who are not comfortable swimming in the sea and the very young. This also is a young family favourite as it gives the little ones a chance to interact with one of the world’s most beautiful creatures.


Adventure Swim: Interact with a dolphin in a special habitat, while swimming in the deep. Enjoy a kiss, try a dance, perhaps you will get a splash or two and have a real up-close experience.


Royal Swim: Interact with two dolphins while swimming in the deep. You'll participate in a brief presentation after which, you'll enter the world of these amazing creatures. Swim with two dolphins as they interact with you in  beautiful Jamaican waters. All the perks of the adventure swim, plus the dolphins may give you a dorsal pull or a foot push... maybe even both!

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